I'm off to my very first Badminton Horse Trials! I've always wanted to say that. Ok, ok just the trade stands but a girl can dream can't she?!
To celebrate, we will be launching a couple of fab new designs and this is one of them ...
Enter the Torque Bangle, inlaid with woven horse hair. This is so hot off the press that it's not yet on the website. It's taken a while to perfect the design but we're super pleased with it.

It looks great with all of the woven patterns. This one is Arrows which works well with two strongly contrasting colours of horse hair.
Smart eh?! What do you reckon?
There's plenty of space to personalise the bangle by engraving the back plate which also acts to strengthen the bangle.
Looking forward to showing you all our lovely designs.
Come and find us at stand number 150.
Have a great Badminton everyone!